
Thursday, 28 May 2015

New! Artemis Primary Sources

Artemis logo

Artemis Primary Sources can be used to cross-search, analyse and visualise search results of the University of Sheffield’s subscriptions to Gale historical collections and newspapers.
From both the basic and advanced search screens you can choose to search across all available databases or select only those that are relevant to your research. These databases include:
·         17th and 18th Century Burney Collection
·         19th Century British Newspapers
·         19th Century UK Periodicals
·         Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004
·         Eighteenth Century Collections Online
·         The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2008
On the left side of the search results screen there are options to narrow your results. From here you can also access visual representations of your search results by clicking on the options available under Analyze Results. For example, you can view your search results as Term Clusters, which are visual representations of the words and subjects that have been found most often in the text of your search results. Clicking on a Term Cluster will narrow your original search results to the documents also containing that subject or term.
There is also a tool that allows you to see a visual representation of Term Frequency in the form of a graph. This can be used to determine how often and in what years a particular word or phrase occurs in your search results. Clicking on a point on the graph will narrow your search results to that particular year and search term. It is also possible to compare different search terms on one graph as well as visualise search results according to popularity.
Useful tip: There is also a link to the Term Frequency tool on the initial search page. This can be used to visualise the frequency or popularity of search terms across all or some of the databases prior to conducting a search.
Useful tip: Create an account to save documents of interest to a personal folder. From here you can email, print or export documents into reference management software, such as EndNote. Having an account will also enable you to create tags and annotate documents.


Access is available directly from here by connecting to the Artemis Primary Sources website (see Quick links on the right). You’ll be prompted to log in to MUSE as necessary. Artemis Primary Sources can also be accessed fromStarPlus by searching under University Collections

Friday, 22 May 2015

Information literacy - employability

Being information literate will help you in the workplace and when applying for jobs. Find out more about the importance of information literacy in the workplace by looking at this webpage. It explains what information literacy means and provides useful links to online tutorials and further information. There is also a link to case studies of University of Sheffield graduates, who have reflected on their experiences at work.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier is a resource for global business literature and data, such as country and industry reports. It also provides company profiles for the world’s 10,000 largest companies (see top left of screen), which will be useful for any student preparing for job applications or interviews.

The database has Text-To-Speech functionality (in English) for articles in HTML format. The search interface can be translated into a number of different languages, and articles in HTML format can also be translated.

If you create a personalised account within the database, you can organise your search results in folders and add notes to documents that you save. You can also save searches, create alerts and RSS feeds. Apps for iPhone and Android devices are available.

This database will be of interest to students and researchers in a range of disciplines across the University.

Open StarPlus from the My services menu in MUSE. Type “Business Source Premier” into the University Collections search box and follow the link to the database. Alternatively, it can be accessed from here by connecting to the Business Source Premier website (See Quick links on the right) - you'll be prompted to log in to MUSE as necessary.

Monday, 11 May 2015

New! Financial Times (

The Library now subscribes to the Financial Times ( - the online edition of the British daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news internationally. will enable you to access a wide range of news articles and information on: companies, markets, the global economy, business and finance, management, and more.

As well as the online edition of the newspaper, you can also view the Financial Times ePaper, which is an exact digital replica of the printed newspaper.  The ePaper is released from 6am London time and can be read on your computer or downloaded. It is also available as a web app, optimised for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Furthermore, the Financial Times have created a searchable ePaper archive.

Useful tip: Take a look at the Tools drop-down menu located on the right side of the screen. From here you can: access ePapers; create “clipping lists” of articles that you want to go back to; set up alerts; access the currency converter; search or browse for executive jobs; look up definitions using the FT Lexicon; and access other tools.

Access is available directly from here by connecting to the Financial Times website (see Quick links on the right). You'll be prompted to log in to MUSE as necessary.

You'll need to register for a personal account using your University email address the first time that you access Further information is available here.
You can use your personal login details for anywhere, anytime access. This means you can access directly from your mobile device. Your account will need to be verified every 90 days by connecting to the FT website using the link on this page.