Artemis Primary Sources can be used to cross-search, analyse and visualise search results of the University of Sheffield’s subscriptions to Gale historical collections and newspapers.
From both the basic and advanced search screens you can choose to search across all available databases or select only those that are relevant to your research. These databases include:
· 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection
· 19th Century British Newspapers
· 19th Century UK Periodicals
· Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004
· Eighteenth Century Collections Online
· The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2008
On the left side of the search results screen there are options to narrow your results. From here you can also access visual representations of your search results by clicking on the options available under Analyze Results. For example, you can view your search results as Term Clusters, which are visual representations of the words and subjects that have been found most often in the text of your search results. Clicking on a Term Cluster will narrow your original search results to the documents also containing that subject or term.
There is also a tool that allows you to see a visual representation of Term Frequency in the form of a graph. This can be used to determine how often and in what years a particular word or phrase occurs in your search results. Clicking on a point on the graph will narrow your search results to that particular year and search term. It is also possible to compare different search terms on one graph as well as visualise search results according to popularity.
Useful tip: There is also a link to the Term Frequency tool on the initial search page. This can be used to visualise the frequency or popularity of search terms across all or some of the databases prior to conducting a search.
Useful tip: Create an account to save documents of interest to a personal folder. From here you can email, print or export documents into reference management software, such as EndNote. Having an account will also enable you to create tags and annotate documents.