
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Spotlight on Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics

The Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics collection is part of the Cambridge Collections Online database. It can be accessed through the Library tab on Muse via the Subject Databases link.  Alternatively, the resource can be found on StarPlus by searching under the University Collections tab.  You may be prompted to log into Muse if you are not already logged in.

The electronic resource provides access to full text titles from the Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics series, which is composed of over 2000 essays on authors, periods of English literature, and literary genres.  It also includes the Companions to Classical Civilisation series.  The titles are written for student readers and include reference material such as chronologies and reading lists. 

The Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics collection can be searched using quick search and advanced search options.  It can also be browsed according to title, chapter or author.  For each title a brief summary is given as well as a table of contents.  You can select individual chapters to access them online.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Trial access to Stalin Digital Archive & Iskusstvo Kino

Stalin Digital Archive

The Stalin Digital Archive (SDA) is a collaboration between the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Yale University press. This electronic database contains over 28,000 digitised documents relating to Stalin's personal biography, work in government and conduct in foreign affairs. Follow the link above to find out more about this resource. You can access the Archive following the quick link on the right side of the page to "connect to Stalin Digital Archive".

This trial will be made available until 15th February 2013.

Iskusstvo Kino

Iskusstvo Kino is a journal of Russian and formerly Soviet cinema. This database includes both film reviews and scholarly articles on cinematic theory and history.  Follow the link above to find out more about this resource. You can access the Archive following the quick link on the right side of the page to "connect to Iskusstvo Kino".

This trial will be made available until 3 February 2013.

If you wish to comment on either trial please do so by completing the online feedback form.

Please note, trial e-resources can only be accessed on campus.