
Monday, 28 April 2008

Your Subject Librarian

The Sheffield Mentors scheme provides peer support for new students at the University. Over the last couple of weeks the new cohort of mentors have attended training sessions in preparation for the arrival of their mentees in October. Myself and a colleague went along to talk about Library services and give some tips the mentors can pass on to their mentees at the start of next semester. During each session we asked for a show of hands to see if the Mentors knew who their Subject Librarian was. On the whole, two or three hands were raised, a very small percentage of those present! Our aim is that in future, every undergraduate will know who their Subject Librarian is and will see us as a point of contact, a friendly face and someone to turn to when additional, in-depth support with study skills and information searching is needed.

The Subject Librarians, or Academic Liaison Librarians to give them their official title, are subject specialists and work closely with departments to make sure the Library provides all the materials you need for your modules. This can include resource lists with links to journal articles and e-offprints, e-books, websites, course packs and of course trusty old books.

Subject Librarians are also here to assist you in acquiring the information skills you need to successfully complete your degree. You need to be able to locate, evaluate and organise information effectively - without any plagiarism!
Don't worry, help is at hand in the form of:
- Induction events when you start your course
- Your Subject Librarian is IN! Information Commons drop-in sessions at the level one counter, Mondays 2-4pm, Thursdays 11am-1pm.
- Information skills workshops and lectures - they may be part of your module, or may run as supplementary drop-ins.
- Surgeries - one-to-one specialist advice from library staff, we come to you in your department.

Also, don't forget the Information Skills Tutorials accessible through MOLE for interactive guidance on internet searching, referencing, database searching etc.

This blog will be updated with details of any sessions we are running, so keep checking!

Friday, 11 April 2008

Student guide to “Information Literacy”

If you have ever heard us library folk use the term "information literacy" but not really known what we mean by that, here are a few things to give you a student perspective.

The CILASS Student Ambassador Network have put together an excellent guide on Tips for Information Gathering.

Xpress Radio at Cardiff University have recorded a series of podcasts in a Student Survival Guide To Writing A Good Essay. The podcasts cover topics such as 'Quality control: information to use and avoid' and 'Going beyond the reading list: finding good web sites' and include tips from experts as well as student experiences.

And for a highly informative(!) student virtual tour of the Information Commons, try the IC Girls video!

As ever, leave a comment if you'd like to get in touch.