As the internet is so vast and uncontrolled, it is important that you know how to spot reliable information. Try the Internet Detective tutorial and don’t forget to use the Information Skills Tutorials through MOLE where you’ll find general guides on ‘Effective searching of the internet’ and ‘Evaluating information’ as well as subject specific guides for English Language & Linguistics and English Literature.
The best way to go about accessing online material for essays and assignments is to use a ‘gateway’, which is basically a selection of web resources chosen and evaluated by subject specialists so you can feel confident that they are both reliable and academically credible. There are lists of recommended gateways available on the Library website for English Studies, and more specifically for Linguistics & Language Studies and Literature.
Intute is a particularly good gateway to begin with, very easy to natigate and allows you to carry out advanced searches or browse by subject. You can keep up to date with new additions to the website too.
BUBL is also worth exploring, it contains sections on Language and Literature & Rhetoric.
If you come across any internet resources that are really helpful, share your find by leaving a comment.
Happy hunting!